Education Board Result 2024 | : Check HSC result / Alim, SSC result, Dakhil result, JSC result, JDC result, PSC Result Marksheet at or Education Board Result of SSC Result, HSC Result, JSC Result, PSC Result in BD here are 10 Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education are responsible for conducting the public examinations such as Junior School Certificate (JSC), Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) and Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C) level public examinations. As well as Primary School Certificate (PSC) Education Board Computer Center which is the sister concern of eight education boards– Dhaka, Rajshahi, Comilla, Jessore, Chittagong, Barisal, Sylhet and Madrasah . The Board are as follows….
[HSC Result 2024 publish Date on 15 October after 10am]
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Ten Education Board Result With Mark Sheet Details
- Dhaka Board Result with Marksheet
- Comilla Board Result with Marksheet
- Chittagong Board Result with Marksheet
- Dinajpur Board Result with Marksheet
- Jessore Board Result with Marksheet
- Rajshahi Board Result with Marksheet
- Sylhet Board Result with Marksheet
- Barisal Board Result with Marksheet
- Madrasha Board Result with Marksheet
- Technical Board Result with Marksheet
How to Check Education Board Result 2024 of Bangladesh:-
Step 1. Open Your Browser, in address bar type “” or [Education Board Result]”Step 2. Select Type of the ” Examination ” for e.g. like (SSC / HSC/ JSC etc)
Step 3. Select Year of appeared annual exam _____ (For this year select 2024)
Step 4. Select the name of the Board out of nine board = ” _____”
Step 5. Enter your selected “Examination” Annual Exam Roll Number
Finally : Then click on ‘Submit‘ Button:
Bangladesh Education Board
Marksheet of Intermediate and Secondary Education Style/System:
Sl. No. | Name of the Subjects | Letter Grade | Grade Point | Grade Pont Avg. (GPA) |
1. | Bengali | A | 4 |
4.00 |
2. | English | A+ | 5 | |
3. | Mathematics | B | 3 | |
4. | General Science | A | 4 | |
5. | Religion (Islam) | A | 4 | |
6. | Geography | A | 4 | |
7. | History | A | 4 | |
8. | Economics | A | 4 | |
9. | Additional Subjects | A | 4 |
Grading System Education Board Result Bangladesh:
In the same in SSC, HSC annual exam results, First Class, Second Class, Pass and Failed Division has been calculated.
Class Interval | Letter Grade | Grade Point |
80-100 | A+ | 5 |
70-79 | A | 4 |
60-69 | A- | 3.5 |
50-59 | B | 3 |
40-49 | C | 2 |
33-39 | D | 1 |
0-32 | F | 0 |
Education Board Result Bangladesh by SMS :-
Please Note : Do not try to send SMS now, once the board i.e. Education Board of Bangladesh published the result online, only after that you can get the result through SMS. Remember not before that. So relax do not be hurry, let the result declared online.
To get result you need to three attribute / data to send the SMS properly be careful when you are sending SMS.
Name of the Exam:
- You need to write the exam name whether it is SSC or HSC or JSC or others.
- Dhaka Education Board
- Chittagong Education Board
- Camilla Education Board
- Dinajpur Education Board
- Jessore Education Board
- Rajshahi Education Board
- Sylhet Board
- Madrasah Board
- Technical DIBS (Dhaka) Board
- Roll number you will it from your annual exam of your SSC/HSC/JSC etc admit card.
So final format will be HSC < Space > Dha < Space > 552232 < Space > 2024 send to 16222 .
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